Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crying and sleeping

Rybolt has been having a harder time going to sleep recently and my mommy instinct tells me that it might be teething. Today it took him about 45 minutes of crying to finally fall asleep. I checked on him at 15 minute increments and tried to help soothe him, but since he doesn't like pacifiers or to be rocked I am not much help. After 45 minutes he is now sound asleep. In fact, both of my children are napping and the world looks a bit more beautiful during those times of peace in the home. I do not know why babies cry to fall asleep, but they do. At least they do for a while, and then they do not. Baikal no longer cries herself to sleep. I remember at one point wishing for the day when she would no longer cry herself to sleep, because it is rather unpleasant for the rest of us. And now she does not. This is a major step. I don't remember the day or month when she stopped crying at bedtime, which is odd because it really is such a great transition.