Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tag. You're it!

A friend has "tagged me" on her blog and ask that I answer a few questions. Check out her blog here . Thankfully, this is not one of those chain letters that will give you five years of bad luck if you don't do it. So, I'm in. I'm not going to tag anyone else, but for some of my fellow bloggers out there, if you feel like this would be a good post, go for it!

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
1998. I had just graduated from Emory University with a degree in Biology and minor in Anthropology. I was living in an apartment with a classmate named Teresa, my brother, and my 10 month old dog. I was employed by a small medical software company to help with R&D of a new product for patients with chronic diseases that were home-bound. What I remember most about that summer was that my brother did not have a full-time job and didn't know anyone else in Atlanta so he complained a lot about being bored. He eventually found ways to entertain himself which were: renting all of the AFI top 100 movies and watching them, training my dog to do ridiculous tricks (Leitenant Dan comes to mind...something he got from watching Forrest Gump), and working part-time jobs at the local pizza hang out and a local magazine.

2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today?
Give dogs their flea/heart worm, buy a wedding gift for a wedding we can't make it to, Wednesday home chores, read my book "mere Christianity", and make dinner

3. What are snacks that I enjoy?
I will eat almost anything these days.

4. Places I've lived?
Charleston, SC and Atlanta, GA

5. Things I would do if I was a billionaire?
Travel more, give more to charity, spend more time with loved ones, buy nicer luggage