Thursday, June 12, 2008

Experience beats education

My mom has said this to me in regards to having a child, and I couldn't agree more. Rybolt had his six month check up today. He is doing great weighing in at 17 lbs 6 oz. He is still on the tall side, but his weight is right at average. I couldn't help but notice the new parents sitting next to me in the waiting room. They were excited and anxious about their visit. They were loaded down with brand new baby gear. As their baby started crying they said things like, "Does little boy not like his outfit?" "Does little baby want to wear his socks?" This baby was bundled up so much, it should have been snowing. I could tell that the mom was just bursting at the seams to tell anyone and everyone about her new baby, so I bit. "What a cute baby? How old?"...etc. They were so happy that I had noticed. Now, I am not trying to be mean. I know these parents because I was right where they were sitting when Matt and I first brought Baikal in for her appointment. I had no clue what I was doing, but I had read enough to feel prepared. I talked to everyone and anyone about what Baikal. The second time around is different. I second guess myself less and trust my instincts more. I would rather be left alone than have a stranger ask me about my son. But most noticeably, I give Rybolt less attention (due to the fact that I am usually also busy with a toddler or two dogs). Sometimes I do feel guilty about this (like the fact that I did not take a picture of his first bath). But I just try to remember the really important times and let the other ones slide.