Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What's in a Name

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet."

Apparently, a lot is in a name. As most of you know, we have decided on a rather unique name for our girl (still not 100% sure it is a girl though). She will be named Baikal Gibson Miller. The genesis of this name came from my husband who insisted on a unique first name to balance out the ubiquitous use of Miller. Baikal is the name of a large Russian lake (Check out http://www.baikalex.com/info/map.html for more images). Matt has often expressed great interest in visiting this lake on a journey through Siberia on the transatlantic Railroad. Gibson is Matt's mother maiden name.

I will admit that it took awhile for me to grow to like the name. Like most parents I went through the rhymes and nicknames, but it grew on me and stuck. I will bring her in to the world and Matt will name her once she is here. It seems like a good balance.