Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dogs and Babies Don't Mix, but Matt and Erin's Genes Have

Getting ready for baby also means getting ready for baby + dogs. In our novice attempt to reduce the number of potential emergency room visits we have taken the advice of purchasing a doll to make the transition of no baby to baby an easier one. I have to admit that I had pleasure in picking out my soon to be fake baby. What will the future Miller children be like? Hair or bald? Blue or brown eyes? Matt and I don't look anything alike. Throw in our genetic lineages, and there doesn't seem to be any obvious traits in common. From my side: Garvins have round faces with uber muscular builds with blonde hair. Rybolts display dimorphism with males being very tall and the women very petite all with light brown hair. On Matt's side: Millers are petite with red, brown, and blonde hair. Gibsons are tall in stature with black hair. I asked this question to Matt's sister, Susann. Her response was immediate: "Who knows what it will look like, but with you and Matt as parents it will be exposed to lots of books and weird food."