Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Free book give-away...I'm in!

So, a friend of a friend is doing something really neat. Her name is Laurel and she is giving having a free book give-away contest for bloggers who post something that we are unsuitable for doing and why. You see, it is because her latest book, Up and Down the Scratchy Mountains or in Search of a Suitable Princess, is now out and ready for the public. So what am I unsuitable for?

According to husband: Cat groomer (I'm allergic)
According to sister: Public consumption
According to dad: Live pigeon shooting (used to be an Olympic event)
According to 2 year old daughter: "meow, meow" (she is really into being a cat right now)
According to 8 month old son: Nothing. You are my everything.
According to me: Although part of me wants to agree with my son. I know that there are some things that I am just not suitable for. Take for instance one of my college jobs at the CDC. I was working for a doctor who was doing cancer research. I had to shave rabbit ears and then inject them through a vein in their ear with something to suppress their immune systems. Now, these are not the furry friendly types that you read about in Beatrix Potter stories. These guys are genetically bread for research. They are the Arnold Schwarzenegger of rabbits. When I would walk into their room, they would lunge at me, going for the jugular. I can't blame them. I stayed with the job for the year, but decided that going into any research field was not for me. So there you have it, I am unsuitable for performing animal testing for cancer research.