Sunday, October 28, 2007

Merle Chicago Miller turns 10!!!

My loyal companion is now in the double digits! Merle is my first child. I know that she is a dog, but nothing prepared me better for motherhood than having a puppy. It is amazing to think back to the fall of 1997 of when I first got her. My friends and I had just been to a Merl Saunders concert in Chicago. Sometime during the concert, I lost my keys. We were waiting for the AAA truck to let us back into the car when a Chicago Tribune delivery truck pulled up. It was around 3 am and we had been waiting for a few hours. We thought he said, "would you like a paper?" But when my friend Laura approached the car, he handed her a puppy. "I found her eating trash a few blocks back," he said. She was all ribs and smelled horrible. The AAA man arrived shortly after. After a bath and a bowl of food Merle slept for 3 days straight. I brought her back to Atlanta with me and was completely attached. I took her to the vet. She had almost every kind of worm a dog can get. The vet said that her heart murmur was so severe that she probably wouldn't live very long and would never be very active. That was ten years ago. Thanks for the good times Merle!