Friday, December 15, 2006

Thank goodness for grandmothers

Baikal has been up all night throwing up. Stomach bug? Food allergy? I am not sure at this point. I feel a bit guilty because when she first started crying around 1 am, I figured it was the usual "waking up in the dark all alone" crying and not the "I am projectile vomiting all over my crib and self" crying. So I waited a bit before checking on her. Ohhh mother's guilt. She finally fell asleep around 6:30 am and slept until 9:00 am. At this time she had some liquids and only threw up a little bit. She is now smiling and crawling around the house, looking for mischief. Thank goodness for grandmothers! My mom is in town and was a big help last night. She has also graciously volunteered to watch Baikal while I shower and catch up on my sleep. Wonderful! All of you moms out there who have spent the night holding buckets and washing sheets deserve a pat on the back. A sick baby is hard work.

Bath time with grandmother.