Monday, January 02, 2006

Ohhhh stairs....

Just in case you weren't aware, I am to limit myself to one set of stairs a day and no driving for the next few weeks. Since the computer is upstairs, my blog will suffer. However, I did receive a sweet new digital camera from Matt (Thanks sweetie!) for Christmas and it is packed with new pictures to upload. I also got a nice printer from the Millers so that I can begin the baby picture shrine. Woohoo!

On a different note, today is the first day of trying to get Baikal on a somewhat routine eat, play, and sleep schedule. I am using the Babywise book as a guide. So far she started the day off great and then cried and fussed for three hours. She is currently down for the count. Apparently she didn't get the memo about the new routine. Oh least I still have leftover Christmas chocolate to help me through the day.

Since newborns are now supposed to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS, it is important to give them time on their belly (or so I have read). Baikal is doing some head raises after only being out of the womb 10 days. Her father is so proud of her work out regimen and has already ordered a kid sized Bowflex machine.