Sunday, May 31, 2009


As Baikal is getting more aware of the world around her, she is starting to say some very entertaining things. Here is a selection of quotes from the day. Today was Sunday, and the kids go to the nursery while I go to church. I guess they talked about God today because it was on her mind.

This morning
Baikal: Mom, I'm glad that you are my mom.
Me: I am glad that you are my daughter.

This afternoon:
Baikal: Who is God?
Me: Humm...He is someone that loves you and is always there to help you.
Baikal: Where is he?
Me: Humm.....He is invisible.
Baikal: I saw him in church once. He is a man and wears a robe. He lives in the sky and sleeps on the clouds.

This night:
Baikal at prayer: Dear God, thank you for the food at church. It was delicious. God, please help me not to hit Daddy with my shoe. Amen.