Tuesday, January 06, 2009


It is the new year, and I have just had my 2008 photos all backed up on cds. I know, you were judging me for not posting since Baikal's birthday, but now that you know the reason you are feeling guilty because you haven't backed up your photos yet. So HA! Any who... I will be posting holiday pics soon, so don't be too down on yourself. Here is a quote from Baikal to tie you over.

Baikal: "Mommy, I am going to be sad."
Me: "Sad? Why are you going to be sad?"
Baikal: "Because someday I am going to get on an airplane and go to college and I will miss you very much."
Me: "We will miss you, but it will be fun for you to go to college and learn new things."
Baikal: "Yes. I will learn new things."