Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Story time and summer reading

It is summer and that means summer reading lists. I am still plowing through the second book in my stack and will get to that review soon, but let's focus on something more interesting, shall we?
I have started to take the kids to the public library. Now that Baikal is older, she is less likely to tear the pages in a book. I still try to keep the borrowed books out of reach at home, just in case she decides to turn one of them into a coloring book. I read these "special books" before nap time and bedtime.
The library has also been having story time on Tuesdays in the summer. Baikal will put in 10 minutes of her time towards sitting and listening and then is off to other things. Between the two kids, I usually don't have much time to sit and peruse the children's book selection. It is more like the game show supermarket sweep, where I run up and down the aisles throwing anything that looks age appropriate into my arms. It isn't until I get home that I am able to check out my books. Last week, one of the books was about how to add large numbers and multiply. I just made up a story to go with the pictures.