Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas part one

Christmas day was spent with the Garvins and Renchers. Matt and I had christmas at our house and then went over to Aunt Courtney's for the second round of gifts. Around eating time, we loaded into the cars for a progressive Christmas dinner. First it was to Uncle Bill's condo for some delicious appetizers. Baikal loved looking at Bill's aquarium and watching the fish swim around. After our fill of shrimp bisque and bacon wrapped crackers (YUM!) we headed over to Aunt Courtney's for the main course: Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon (YUM!). Baikal and Rybolt were starting to get a bit fussy after all of the excitement, so we left a bit early to put them down for naps and set up the final destination of the progressive dinner: dessert at our house. We had an assortment of cookies, ice cream, and coffee to welcome our family as they came through the door. It was a wonderful Christmas! Little did Baikal know that she would get to experience it again two days later when the Millers came to town...part two to follow!