Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pickles and Ice cream

They say each pregnancy is different, and so far that seems true for me. The first trimester was filled with extreme nausea and extreme hunger. Yes, you can feel both at the same time. I have been a sugar junkie! My current favorite snack food is gummy worms. I have been feeling much better lately and now am trying to cope with the reality that although I was back to my "normal" wardrobe for a while, I am now into baggy shirts and draw-string pants.
Yesterday in the grocery store I actually stopped at the pickle section and my mouth began to crave the crispy crunch of a dill spear-shaped pickle. That was quickly followed by a wave of nausea which sent the jar that I had just selected back on the shelf. Ice cream is not of much interest to me either, but I do like a nice tall glass of whole milk.
I try to sleep when Baikal does and I have been very thankful to Matt who lets me take long naps on the weekend while he keeps watch over baby and dogs.