Sunday, March 12, 2006

Walk in the park

This weekend Baikal, Bill Rencher (Baikal's godfather and my cousin), and I enjoyed a walk in Piedmont Park. Bill volunteers at the park by giving tours about the park's history. It was great to have our own personal tour and get some exercise at the same time!

Some of you have been asking how Baikal's feeding and sleeping schedules are going, so here you go. She is successfully on a 4 hour feeding schedule. I am flexible in that I try to feed her at "in between" times. For example, her first feeding should be in between 7 and 8 AM. If she wakes up around 6:30, I give her a pacifier and do other things to hold her off until 7. If she is still sleeping at 7:50, I turn on the lights and music to get her up to start her day. She can eat at anytime during that hour. The same goes for 11 to 12, 3 to 4, and then again at 7 to 8 PM. So we are down to four day feedings! Yeah! I am going to give this another full week before I try to drop a night feeding.